Vabilo študentom na Hackathon @ CeBIT 2016

Hackathon @ CeBIT je 30 urni dogodek med katerim študentje dobijo praktične izkušnje, ko z uporabo najnovejše in inovativne SAP tehnologije ter ob podpori SAP strokovnjakov rešujejo zastavljen problem. Dogodek je odlična priložnost, da mladi pridobijo novo konkretno znanje, povečajo svojo mrežo poznanstev ter obenem obiščejo največji sejem na svetu.

Kot je zapisano v spodnjem sporočilu, je iz strani SAPja poskrbljeno za bivanje med 14.3. in 18.3., hrano v času trajanja SAP InnoJam dogodka ter vstop na CeBIT, študentje pa morajo samo poskrbeti za prevoz. To je odlična priložnost za študente, da se udeležijo dogodka, ki se ga bodo še dolgo spominjali. V preteklosti so se dogodka že udeležile študentke iz Slovenije in Srbije, ki so se vrnile s samimi pozitivnimi izkušnjami, v lanskem letu pa se je kar nekaj študentov udeležilo podobnega dogodka v Berlinu.

Inno Jam

Vabilo organizatorjev

Dear Students,

We are happy to announce that we can offer you yet another exciting hackathon at CeBIT 2016 in Hanover, Germany! We are particularly thrilled that SAP University Alliances is partnering with one of the world’s leading automobile manufacturers, with exciting challenges all around automobile of the future and Internet of Things. The event will take place on March 14-17, 2016.

About the Event Format

Our hackathons are a 30 hours hands-on experience using SAP’s coolest and newest technologies supported by SAP domain experts and branch experts. Learn about innovative SAP technologies, collaborate and co-innovate with fellow students. Expand your network by meeting other participants from dozens of countries. Get a crash course in Design Thinking and apply your knowledge by developing prototypes of solutions to real business cases e.g. relevant for the automotive branch and compete to win awesome prizes.

Accommodation and Organisation

We will cover accommodation in a hostel from Monday (March 14) to Friday (March 18) as well as food throughout the whole Hackathon event and the CeBIT-ticket. You will have to pay for all other additional costs (e.g. travel).

Application process

For this hackathon we are particularly looking for students with technical, business or design/UX skills who are strong team-players. Technical students need to be fluent in JavaScript – knowledge in SAPUI5 is preferred but not necessary. Furthermore, they should have basic skills in Java programming and SQL skills are an advantage. Business students should be familiar with business model development and design students should have skills in user experience design and user interface development.

If you want to join please send your CV and a short statement why we should pick you to

The application deadline is February 8, 2016.

In case you are admitted, you will receive a registration link and an invitation to a collaboration group (SAP Jam) where you will get further information on exact dates and times as well as logistics.

Brief information about CeBIT in Hanover, Germany  (March 16 – 20, 2015)

  • The world’s largest trade fair for IT
  • More than 220.000 participants are expected
  • SAP University Alliances and the University Competence Center Magdeburg and Munich will be present and available for personal meetings
  • Link to trade fair’s homepage

If you have open questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We will be happy to answer them.

We look forward to seeing you at the CeBIT!
Best regards,

SAP University Alliances

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