Hellenic Mediteranean University iz Krete, organizira 27. septembra spletni seminar na temo Tehnologije četrte industrijske revolucije. Dogodek bo potekal od podpori Evropske univerze ATHENA, katere del je tudi Univerza v Mariboru. Dogodek je brezplačen in bo potekal preko platforme Zoom, potrebna je registracija.
Teme, ki jih bo dogodek naslavljal so (v ang.):
- The impact of Robotics on Education
- Functional Materials towards wearable electronics
- Internet of things (IoT) and applications
- The impact of 5G Communications
- 3D Printing Technologies and Applications
- Drone towards an autonomous flying
- The Quantum Computing
- Artificial Intelligence Era: new jobs and new industrial
- Educational Robotics
- Virtual & Augmented Reality in Education
- Big Data Applications
- Industrial Processing in Societies 4.0
- The Smart City Principle
- Soft Skills for Human 4.0
- New Pedagogies towards Education 4.0
- The University of Future