Obisk gostujočega predavatelja doc. dr. Stephana Schoegla

V ponedeljek, 23. 10. 2017, in torek, 24. 10. 2017, je imel predavanja gostujoči predavatelj doc. dr. Stephan Schoegl, vodja Interaction Lab, z MCI Innsbruck.

Poslušalci so bili deležni naslednjih predavanj:

Ponedeljek, 11:00 – 16:00: Cognitive Science and Usability Evaluation Techniques, Development of information systems and services, Service science and innovations

Torek, 9:00 – 14:00: Selected topics in Software Engineering (Socio-technical Systems, Software Project Management, Managing Software People), Service-oriented architectures and Development of information systems




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