Institute of informatics acquired H2020 project CONCORDIA – Cyber Security Competence for Research and Innovation

CONCORDIA is a major H2020 consortium to interconnect Europe’s Cybersecurity capabilities. It will establish a pilot for a Cybersecurity Competence Network and will lead the development of a common Cybersecurity Research & Innovation Roadmap for Europe. The partners of this project are also members of the Laboratory for Data Technologies,… More

Visiting guest lecturer assoc. prof. Dr. Pavlo Brin

In the first week of December, the Institute of Informatics hosted a guest lecturer from Ukraine, assoc. prof. dr. Pavlo Brin, from National Technical University, Kharkov Polytechnic Institute. During his visit, the following lectures were performed: Monday, 4th of December 2017: Communication in Management. Tuesday, 5th of December 2017: Communication Process… More

25th ESUG conference at UM FERI

The 25th Joint Smalltalk Conference ESUG 2017 is taking place at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, at the University of Maribor. The conference is aimed at exchanging experiences and presents the latest achievements in the development of advanced information solutions using technologies related to the Smalltalk programming… More

Lucija Brezočnik won the first place in the finals of IEEE Region 8 student paper contest 2017

Lucija Brezočnik, a graduate of the Informatics and Technologies of Communication master’s study program and PhD student of Computer Science and Informatics, achieved a remarkable international success. She won the IEEE Regions 8 Student Paper Contest in the competition with the best student authors’ scientific papers in the fields of… More

Our students won the DSI competition

Nejc Vidrih and Patrik Ahej, won the student competititon on DSI conference (slovenian days in informatics) with their project Smart home assistant. Nejc and Patrik are students of master’s program in Informatics and Technologies of Communicaton and are members of FERI incubator. Congratulations! More