Dijaki, vabljeni na programa Informatika in podatkovne tehnologije (UN) in Informatika in tehnologije komuniciranja (VS)

Študijska programa Informatika in podatkovne tehnologije ter Informatika in tehnologije komuniciranja pripravita diplomante za sodobna, v informacijsko tehnologijo usmerjena delovna mesta prihodnosti, ki zahtevajo znanja razvoja informacijskih rešitev, vodenja projektov, upravljanja omrežij in obvladovanja informacij.

Ladies in Informatics

Iniciativo Ladies in Informatics so ustanovile ženske članice Inštituta za informatiko in združuje ženske raziskovalke s podobnimi raziskovalnimi interesi na področju računalništva in informatike.

CyberSec Lab:UM

CyberSec Lab:UM is a multidisciplinary team of researchers, developers and consultants, established with the intent of designing, developing and evaluating cybersecurity solutions and services.

Blockchain Lab:UM

Blockchain Lab:UM is a multi-disciplinary R&D team of researchers, developers and consultants that design, develop and evaluate blockchain-based solutions and services.


Students and Professors of the Study Program Informatics and Data Technologies participate in the International Blended Intensive Program: “Digital Transformation – Artificial Intelligence as a Key Enabler of Digital Transformation”

Students and Professors of the Study Program Informatics and Data Technologies participate in the International Blended Intensive Program: “Digital Transformation – Artificial Intelligence as a Key Enabler of Digital Transformation”

From March 10 to 14, 2025, third-year Informatics and Data Technologies students and two staff members joined an international Blended Intensive Program in Portugal focused on AI-driven digital transformation. The event united 43 students and 11 professors from seven countries in developing innovative, interdisciplinary solutions using AI tools.
Invited Lecture: Challenges and Solutions of Databox in Integrating Modern Information Solutions and Services

Invited Lecture: Challenges and Solutions of Databox in Integrating Modern Information Solutions and Services

Dr. Uroš Trstenjak and Luka Reisman from Databox delivered a lecture to third-year Informatics and Data Technologies students, presenting integration challenges and solutions offered by the company. The session included a practical challenge where students developed their own data boards to visualize metrics from various data sources, enriching their knowledge and skills in information systems integration.
Hands-on workshop on AI Tools for Inclusive Education at UM

Hands-on workshop on AI Tools for Inclusive Education at UM

FERI conducted a workshop entitled Pedagogical Innovation and Collection of Good Practices: Exploration of AI Tools for Pedagogical Innovation and Development of Good Practices in Inclusive Education in the framework of AI ENABLE project.
Best Paper Award Highlights the Successful Conclusion of the Erasmus+ SET4Inclusion Project

Best Paper Award Highlights the Successful Conclusion of the Erasmus+ SET4Inclusion Project

Members of the Institute of Informatics received the Best Paper Award at the DIGIN conference for their contribution titled “Definition of a Framework for a Self-Evaluation Tool: Optimizing Evaluation Practices for Enhanced Performance in Higher Education Institutions,” developed in collaboration with project partners from the SET4Inclusion initiative.
Insights from the ACEEU Europe-Africa Forum 2024, GRIT and HITS Project Meetings

Insights from the ACEEU Europe-Africa Forum 2024, GRIT and HITS Project Meetings

From September 18-20, Špela Pečnik represented our lab at the ACEEU Europe-Africa Forum in Lisbon, highlighting the GRIT project’s tools for building student grit. Later, on October 1-2, Lucija Brezočnik participated in the HITS Project meeting in Valladolid, focused on enhancing digital learning with AI, Nudge Theory, and gamification.
Lucija Brezočnik conducted a workshop at the IEEE RTSI 2024 conference

Lucija Brezočnik conducted a workshop at the IEEE RTSI 2024 conference

Lucija Brezočnik, member of the Institute of Informatics, led a workshop on “Advancing Technology for Humanity In Action” with IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Consortium at IEEE RTSI 2024.
TechWhiz project successfully completed

TechWhiz project successfully completed

The final meeting of the TechWhiz project took place in Crete from September 25 to 27. As part of the meeting, a multiplier event was also held, where the project results were presented to the public.
RINKO Project Kick-off Meeting

RINKO Project Kick-off Meeting

On Wednesday, 25 September 2024, the kick-off meeting of the RINKO project: Development of Digital Competences and Basic Knowledge of Computer Science and Informatics in Kindergartens, took place at UM FERI.