The Europe Day ATHENATHON is back!

Will we break last year’s record of 33 000km? The seven Universities of the ATHENA European University are proud to launch the second edition of the Europe Day ATHENATHON, a sporting event destined to reach a distance of 11 000 km. From 9 May until 9 June 2022, we invite the… More

The Future of Cybersecurity

In the scope of Slovenia’s EU Presidency in the second half of 2021, an event presenting the EU’s Cybersecurity Competence Network will be featured in the Digital Showroom as part of the Slovenian Digital Center. More

Prof. dr. Tatjana Welzer and assist. prof. dr. Marko Hölbl have been guests in the TV show Slovenska kronika (Slovenian Chronicle) on TV Slovenia 1 on the topic of cybersecurity

Prof. dr. Tatjana Welzer and assist. prof. dr. Marko Hölbl from the Institute of Informatics have been guests on TV Slovenia 1 in the TV show Slovenska kronika (Slovenian Chronicle) on the importance of cyber security for the European Union and the acquisition of two projects from the Horizon 2020… More