Project information

Project Title: Development of Digital Competences and Fundamental Knowledge of Computer Science and Informatics in Kindergartens
Project Acronym: RINKO
Reference Number: RINKO, no. 303-50-2024/35
Project Funding and Program: Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Education – The Recovery and Resilience Plan, and European Union – NextGenerationEU
Call: https://www.gov.si/zbirke/javne-objave/javni-razpis-razvoj-digitalnih-kompetenc-in-emeljnih-znanj-racunalnistva-in-informatike/
Project Duration: 1 September 2024 – 30 June 2026
Project Value: EUR 657.120
The amount of co-financing (UM FERI share): EUR 98.560
Website: www.rinko.si
Project Coordinator: University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Koroška cesta 46, 2000 Maribor
Project Leader: Dr. Boštjan Šumak (UM FERI)
Project Content Manager: Dr. Maruša Laure (UM PEF)

Project Partners:

  • Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko (prijavitelj)
  • Univerza v Mariboru, Pedagoška fakulteta
  • Vrtec Murska Sobota
  • Osnovna šola Vransko – Tabor – Enota Vrtec
  • Vrtec Jožice Flander
  • Vzgojno izobraževalni zavod Vrtec Ormož
  • Vrtec Pedenjped Novo mesto
  • Vrtec Jelka
  • Vrtec Manka Golarja Gornja Radgona
  • Vrtec Škofja Loka
  • Vrtec Borisa Pečeta
  • Vrtec Laško

Project summary

The RINKO project focuses on the development and introduction of fundamental knowledge of computer science and informatics (hereinafter: CSI) in preschool education. In today’s society, it is essential that even the youngest children acquire basic knowledge and skills in the field of CSI, which are necessary for successful functioning in today’s world. Existing educational curricula in Slovenian kindergartens do not include CSI content, meaning that children do not receive a sufficient foundation for developing these skills. The project addresses these shortcomings by developing tailored didactic approaches and materials that enable the early introduction of fundamental CSI knowledge without the use of electronic devices.

The aim of the project is to contribute to the early introduction of fundamental CSI knowledge in kindergartens, develop customized pedagogical and didactic approaches in this field, and empower preschool teachers by providing appropriate training and support.

Key Project Objectives:

  • Enhancing fundamental CSI knowledge among kindergarten children
  • Developing and implementing innovative pedagogical strategies for teaching CSI
  • Training educators to effectively teach CSI content
  • Creating high-quality educational units (i.e., learning scenarios) and materials, which will remain accessible even after the project concludes
  • Promoting collaboration and sharing of best practices among educational institutions

Project Results

The expected project results include:

  • Establishing innovative classrooms to test educational approaches and pedagogical strategies for developing fundamental CSI knowledge among preschool children
  • Developing and publishing educational units (learning scenarios) on an open-access website
  • Producing and sharing the approaches of all participating educational institutions in enhancing CSI knowledge among learners, including knowledge catalogue
  • Training educators to effectively teach CSI content
  • Creating an online platform for sharing resources and best practices
  • Establishing a network of kindergartens to encourage communication and collaboration between educational institutions

The project will use modern educational methods, (e.g., gamification, problem-based learning, project-based learning, etc.), to stimulate children’s interest in CSI content. RINKO will significantly contribute to the early introduction of fundamental CSI knowledge, ensuring that children are prepared from an early age for the challenges of the modern digital world.

Target Groups

The target groups of RINKO project are preschool children, kindergarten educators, and other professional staff in kindergartens.


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