E-Services offer several advantages compared to their »traditional« counterparts, however they have also serious obstacles in the view of their acceptance and usage. We proposed the project Analysis and development guidelines of user centric e-services in Slovenia because we observed the gap between existing e-services and the amount of their usage. The main research outcomes are identified and demonstrated factors and empirical indicators, which have a significant impact on the acceptance of e-services from different e-services domains together with the guidelines for successful e-service implementations. The focus of the research was on the e-learning and e-government domain. Based on identified factors and their causal relationships, e-service developer are capable to proactively develop acceptable e-services with better end-user characteristics. In the connection with E-services, we have to point out also e-learning supported by different technological solutions. In the frame of the project ELLEIEC developed virtual centre for education VCE (Virtual Centre for Enterprise). The vision of the VCE is that at any stage of their life learner can develop their competences, knowledge and skills. The VCE connects learners to a network with educators within academic institutions, business formation and advisory bodies across Europe. A unique feature of the virtual centre is that learners can choose small modules in a language other than their native language, so also additional linguistic skills are developed. To support learners and mentors from different countries and cultures, a special module for Cross Cultural Communication was developed (Picture). The importance of cross cultural communication we successfully introduce also to the most of other projects in which we are taking part.