RINKO Project Kick-off Meeting

On Wednesday, 25 September 2024, the kick-off meeting of the RINKO project: Development of Digital Competences and Basic Knowledge of Computer Science and Informatics in Kindergartens, took place at UM FERI. The meeting was hosted by UM FERI as the project coordinator and attended by representatives from UM PEF, who designed the content as well as the representatives of ten Slovenian kindergartens involved in the project: Vrtec Murska Sobota, Osnovna šola Vransko – Tabor – Enota Vrtec, Vrtec Jožice Flander, Vzgojno izobraževalni zavod Vrtec Ormož, Vrtec Pedenjped Novo mesto, Vrtec Jelka, Vrtec Manka Golarja Gornja Radgona, Vrtec Škofja Loka, Vrtec Borisa Pečeta and Vrtec Laško.

The RINKO project will contribute to the wide-ranging development of digital literacy in preschool education, enabling the early introduction of fundamental knowledge of computer science and informatics, which will ensure that children are prepared for the challenges of modern digital society from an early age.

After the initial partner presentation, the work packages and expected outcomes were reviewed in detail, and the organization of the project, including the definition of working groups, was outlined. Kindergarten representatives highlighted specific challenges they face in implementing computer science and informatics into their programs. The project logo and the preliminary dissemination plan were also presented.

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