The main aim of the project is to develop Certified digital accessibility training for diverse groups of key stakeholders as a response to the increasing labor market needs for experts in the field of digital accessibility.
Digital accessibility is becoming a must. The directive (EU) 2016/2102 on making the websites and mobile apps of public sector bodies more accessible has recently published (on 2 December 2016) and entered into force on 22 December 2016 (the Member States have until 23 September 2018 to transpose the text into their national legislation).
Therefore, it is important that website developers, designers, marketing and public relations people as well as managers and policymakers, have knowledge and skills for improving accessibility to disabled visitors of their websites / mobile apps.
The aim of this project is to develop Certified VET training modules and an Accessible web platform focused on digital accessibility to improve the knowledge, skills, and competencies of key stakeholders according to web accessibility standards and in order to enable them to respond to the needs of visual, auditory, physical or cognitive disabled as well as older persons or low literacy website visitors/apps users, so they are, in turn, able to fully access and benefit from the digital era.
The project aims to meet the following objectives:
- develop and implement CURRICULUM AND MATERIALS for trainers,
- increase the participation rate of disabled people in the digital society,
- promote inclusion of disadvantaged groups in the labor market.
The project will also:
- contribute to better access to training and qualifications for all, through making all materials accessible to all and freely downloaded from the web portal,
- have an impact on the social inclusion of people with disabilities by promoting and encouraging learning about accessible webs and apps
- strengthen the professional development of trainers, teachers.
The project will improve the quality of training (initial education and continuing development), the quality of teachers, trainers, and other professionals in the sector and will make courses more relevant to the labor market.
Project results
Several products and intellectual outputs were created during the project. These are collected on the project website and are available to the interested public for future efforts in achieving digital accessibility. The first intellectual output describes the framework for the necessary skills in the field of digital accessibility and related jobs that have been detected in the labor market. In the second output, a training curriculum was developed for four detected jobs and a certification method. In the third intellectual output, individual learning modules were described in detail. And within the fourth output, an accessible website and a learning platform for digital accessibility were created.